Revised PUBLIC NOTICE against the letter no. JSERC/Case (Tariff) No. 04 of 2020/347 dated 04th January 2023..

Click here to See Above Revised "PUBLIC NOTICE"Gist- JBVNL- R3_03 Jan 2023"

Save Energy Tips

(i) Switch off your Lights, Fans etc when not in use.

(ii) Use Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) to reduce electricity consumption substantially.

(iii) Ensure proper Earthing in your premises

(iv) Use Electronic Regulators & Electronic Chokes for ceiling fans & Tube Lights.

(v) Do not store hot / warm food in refrigerators. Defrost refrigerator regularly. Do not open refrigerator frequently.

(vi) Turn-off decorative & non-essential lights especially in unoccupied areas.

(vii) Always buy electrical gadgets with capacity according to your needs.

(viii) Always buy fewer bulbs of higher wattage rather than many of lower wattage.

(ix) To avoid leakage always use Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker / Residual Current Circuit Breaker in circuit.

(x) Always provide doors & windows to admit natural light (Sunlight) to avoid using electricity in homes or offices during the day.

(xi) Ensure that your Air Conditioner filter clean regularly.

(xii) Avoid loose connections.

(xiii) Use proper size of Fuses.