Revised PUBLIC NOTICE against the letter no. JSERC/Case (Tariff) No. 04 of 2020/347 dated 04th January 2023..

Click here to See Above Revised "PUBLIC NOTICE"Gist- JBVNL- R3_03 Jan 2023"


Organisational Structure

In JBVNL set-up, O&M department is responsible for Operation & Maintenance of the electrical system covering all 33KV, 11KV & 440/220 Volt power distribution system. The department is ably supported by the team of officials spread across Head Office (Ranchi) and Circle Offices in Jharkhand.

Major Operations of O&M Department

O&M plays an important role in JBVNL working environment by ensuring the infrastructure is in place within the State of Jharkhand. Along with O&M activities, this department also gets allocation under ADP budget head to carry-out Capital Expenditure at the Circles. The department tracks progress under the following major heads –

Work Regular Activities
Budget Preparation

Expenses under O&M dept. along with other major departments of JBVNL are managed thru ADP budget head. The department is responsible for tracking expense vis-à-vis allocation under this budget head as well as preparation of budget for next financial years

Ensuring Network Reliability

O&M thrives to maintain the JBVNL network in good health by tracking parameters such as Power Availability, Peak Demand

Report, Network reliability, Burnt Transformer replacement etc.  
Work Special Activities
School Electrification

O&M has taken-up progress–tracking of School Electrification in state of Jharkhand. Electrification has been taken-up under three categories


-Schools with requirement of only Service Connection

-Schools with requirement of Service Connection as well LT Extension 

-Schools with requirement of Service connection, LT extension, HT extension and DSS installation 

Work Progress under DVC Command Area 

JBVNL has taken up Capex. Work under DVC Command area to cater to requirements of end Consumers. The dept. of S&D is tracking progress of all such activities (e.g. Erection of line, Line extension / maintenance etc.) 

Other Work Areas 

O&M is overseeing progress under various other Capex. Schemes such as Deposit Work, Industrial Area – JIADA, Other works (IIT, IIM, Police Picket), Utility Shifting etc. 

Progress Tracking under PFA and meeting compliance w.r.t. MoP/ CEA reports  

O&M is responsible for tracking work-progress under 24*7 PFA along with preparation of necessary reports to be submitted by JBVNL from time to time such as Distribution Perspective Plan, CEA report on DISCOM performance etc. 

Additionally, the department also looks into the following work areas -

O&M plays an important role in JBVNL working environment by ensuring the infrastructure is in place within the State of Jharkhand. Along with O&M activities, this department also gets allocation under ADP budget head to carry-out Capital Expenditure at the Circles. The department tracks progress under the following major heads –

• Asset Details (Summary of Number of P/S/S & DT, Length of line & Consumer details)

• Status of Various spill-over Work at Electricity Circles (with completion date)

• Setting-up of Meter testing Labs

Abstract of Present O&M System in JBVNL

Particulars FY17 FY16 FY15
Total No. of 33/11 KV P/S/S




Transformation Capacity (MVA)




No. of 33 KV feeders




Length of 33 KV Feeders (Km)




No. of 11 KV feeders 




Length of 11 KV feeders (Km)




No. of Distribution Transformer  (63 KVA & above)




No. of Distribution Transformer  (25 KVA & below)




Length of LT lines (Km)




HT:LT Ratio (Line)




HT:LT Ratio (Consumer)




Progress on key parameters are as shown below –

Target & Milestone

O&M, under its’ operational philosophy, sets measurable targets every year against budgeted allocation. The works include Capital expenditure for infrastructure improvement as well as DPR preparation for assessing new requirements and tracking progress under schemes such as PFA & UDAY. The department has also taken-up the all-important task of implementing JBVNL Procurement Manual practices w.r.t. Vendor management and tendering process.

A summary of O&M targets and achievements for FY18 are as given below –

Work Target Milestone/Achievement
Ensuring Safety at workplace 

As a number of people have been involved at various sites performing regular operations, S&D takes responsibility of ensuring a healthy and safe working environment 

JBVNL Operations &
Maintenance Manual has been prepared keeping EHS aspects

in mind 
Preparation of ADP Budget 

O&M expenses are linked with ADP budget head and it is required to maintain clarity regarding expenses

vis-à-vis budget allocation 

The department has given ADP Budget preparation utmost importance and the same is prepared in collaboration with Circles, by means of collecting

Circle-wise estimation data 
Introduction to Technology

It is deemed required to upgrade the standard of Meter Testing Labs operational at various Circles of JBVNL to cater to testing of automatic meters with latest specification. At present, many of the Meter Test Benches are semiautomatic, which may be revamped along with setting-up of new Test Benches 

DPR for Meter Test Benches is being finalized and the department shall float tender with respect to the same 

Monitoring of

O&M Activities 

The department has increased scope of work as well as monitoring by going for web-based MIS formats. They are also looking into implementation of practices as per Procurement Manual. The same gives rise to the requirement of structured monitoring of on-field as well as online activities 

O&M has collaborated with external Consultants and the joint-working group has been instrumental in implementing better monitoring support of

the activities 

Monitoring of


Ensuring timely maintenance of Power Transformers has been earmarked as an important area

under O&M Operations

The practices of Transformer Repairing Workshop has been revamped by implementing online TRW monitoring platform. It is also decided to tag transformers in advance so that repairing-log of transformers can be maintained in a more systematic manner 

Ensuring Power Supply Quality

Keeping the infrastructure maintained and quick turn-over for maintenance jobs 

The same is ensured by deployment of independent consultants at Circles and ensuring periodic flow of reliable data 

The O&M department at JBVNL also consists of Supply and Purchase department within it:

Store & Purchase

Stores and purchase is responsible for procurement of major electrical items/equipment required for maintaining electrical supply in the state of Jharkhand. It is also responsible for procurement of materials under the different state and central government sponsored schemes. It is headed by chief engineer (S&P) supported by two ESE’s (Purchase and Stores)

ESE (Purchase) looks after the tendering process, its evaluation, issuing of Purchase orders and agreements. ESE (Stores) looks after the Pre delivery inspection of the materials, Routine tests, Dispatch instructions at different stores of JBVNL.